Sagorika Kakati, A Yoga Practioner

This is Sagorika Kakati, your yoga practitioner who is been associated with Internationa Yoga Alliance affiliated certification in Green Yoga India(GOA) now Green Yoga International (RYT 200hrs) and 50 hrs Aerial/Swing Yoga certification from Thousand Petaled Lotus (DUBAI).

Live classes twice a week
Personal care on phone
24 hours chat support
Free e-books for clients

Take Your Yoga to the Next Level

My advice to beginner yogis is that no one is perfect, no one is too stiff or too flexible.

Yoga is all about the blissful journey within yourself, your body and all the magical things it can do.

Our Mission

Its mission is to promote health and well-being through physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation techniques.

Our Vision

Yoga envisions a world where individuals are empowered to cultivate inner peace, physical health, and spiritual growth, leading to a more compassionate and interconnected global community.